Do RH negative people have an immunity to certain diseases? Anything that puts life out of their own personal control becomes something that could become a minor or major phobia one day. In Your Questionaire Statement. Many Rh negatives have red hair or a reddish shimmer. Why Should You hire a DWI lawyer for Your Case? People who have Rh negative blood often find it difficult to form relationships. Thats why I stay away from relationships, my track Estimates suggest that just 15% of the global population has Rh Negative blood, though this can range dramatically based on geographic location. Youre hilarious! The Rh Factor: How It Can Affect Your Pregnancy | ACOG This parasite can invade our body and damage the brain, especially in babies. You have one major phobia. Having an RH negative blood may be looked at as a strange anomaly because a small percentage of the population has it. About 30% have Rh negative blood and about 60% carry one RH negative gene. Compared to other personality profiles, Rh-negative individuals tend to have the highest IQ levels, excel in school, and do well following entrepreneurial ventures. I am a member of a private Facebook group dedicated to Reptilian Draconian Starseeds, not all Dracos are evil but a lot are and they fit the typical Reptilian personality and even some physical characteristics, example: a vestigial tail or an extra vertebrae. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. maybe #60 more like anyway: nice listand a long one Mike. You feel separate from others. According to a New Theory, People With Rh-Negative Blood Don't Come You struggle to form friendships. You experience unusual encounters. Like US Animals Arent Stupid Please note that comments will not be approved unless you use your real name. Your experience sounds similar to some of mine. Rh negative people tend to worry about things most people do not worry about. Some data indicate that RhD positive and RhD negative subjects . The gap is still empty and leaves some big questions about the origins of these people. Ive even told my wife and children about this and told them if they ever committed a crime and were innocent, Id sell the farm to fight for them, if they were guilty Id get the name of a good lawyer for them. Famous people with rh negative blood | Updated March 2023 Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. It is extremely rare for Africans and Asians to have a complete deletion of the RhD gene. Some other studies have found that people with blood type 0 can be affected by peptic ulcers. Do men get Addicted to you Obsessed? It pains us. js = d.createElement(s); = id; Most people are unaware how affected by them we can be. (1). I feel in my older years as if lve gone full circle, and all the questions you ask in here, that l too asked for so long, are finally being answered, for me, at least. Some people have vivid dreams that feel like an alternative form of reality. 5. We analyze the news and those who report them rather than simply just listening. Rh factor (short for Rhesus factor) is a protein that most people have on the surface of their red blood cells. We are natural-born leaders though not necessarily comfortable in such position. My Grandmother would say Edit: Someone asked why I rated it so low if all I was going to do was post the fact that the store was, indeed, still open. The Royal Bloodlines Of Our Presidents And Entertainers - SENIORSonly People with Rh- blood type make up around 15% of the world populationand they all share characteristics that are typical for their blood group. Low blood pressure is also highly common in Rh negatives but not all. Identification What is more, according to a Japanese professor, Tokeji Furukawa, we can analyze ones personality based on the blood type he or she owns. "An Rh status seemed protective against SARS-CoV-2 infection," the study authors wrote. And lm ready for whatever the designer of the universe has planned. People with RH negative blood type have similar physical traits that might differ from people with other blood groups. They were 2 O positive One B positive But if you have read how it works My Eldest Daughter Lauren who will turn 31 in February has More RH negative straights than I doeven the extra ribSo cool to connect with youIm 52, and Yes Candor would be appropriate wordIt would be impossible to connect if deception was thrown into it! The killer part of this is that the Draconian Reptilians have O Rh- blood, as do about 98% of the 2000+ members of the group. About 30% have (rr) Rh negative and about 60% carry one (r) negative gene. Born on The Equinox Male , I want to be on the chart Too We dont necessarily hate when we dont, but we more or less decide to cut someone off completely when needed with no chance of getting back in ever. You prefer facts over opinions. Worse Health Status and Higher Incidence of Health Disorders in - PLOS if (d.getElementById(id)) return; 1 in 25 white women are. Question? You are the smartest person you know. As Rh antigens are proteins, they seem to be lacking in the blood configuration of Rh-negative people, and researchers are puzzled by this fact. The good news for those with blood group 0 is that they are less prone to get coronary disease or stomach cancers. The remaining 85% are Rh positive, making them more favorable. The Rh blood group system is a human blood group system.It contains proteins on the surface of red blood cells. I know the Feeling Well Thanks Amy keep the connection.Im sure we will learn that we have much more in common! It's always good to know your blood type, but particularly when you're pregnant. We love when we love. 1. !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)? In relationships, we tend to be all in or nothing can bring it back. Rh Negative Blood Type Secrets: 7 Traits of Rh negatives you - Blogger While it may be more common in certain populations, overall it is quite rare. If it's not present, you're Rh negative. Most rh- men are totally different, respectful, and not out to hurt people. He was curious about himself..he talked about his Viking lineage..We look similar..blond eyelashes, reddish hairI would mention something, and I watched him on his phonehe was reading what I wasI have some reservations, he got attached too quickkept saying jeg elsker deg He is Swiss German, Norwegian..I was mad he looked and read my blog..but he learned he is RH negativepositiveHis mother had lupus and died two yrs agoI asked about blood typeHe learned his mother RH negative he was curious about himself and me!..Learned what he said the moment he met me was I love You was in Norwegianit was the similarities..that made him snoop I thinkI am still trying to read himHis pupils dialte ..gray eyes reddish hairHe stated my facial features were familial..he said the Swiss German lookmade few really annoying comments at first..but IDKsome really weird stuff hope Im wrong! The Bible never mentions Rh-negative blood. Your Heart Has An Eye 7. In my family out of 7 women only 1 gave birth naturally. I think Robin and Amy are correct in their assessments, unfortunately. Also, the birth thing not able to release the placenta is one complication leading to caesarean births. thats a very grim picture indeed. I know that the Alien tie to the blood type is frowned upon here but The vibe has to be right. It is said that Rh- people share certain characteristics, such as being more intuitive, having more food. There is evidence that people with Rh Negative blood are a rare type of Human being. but the virus has been detected in the semen of people who have or are recovering from the virus . Besides the rhesus monkey gene, these people also lack the proteins that come with it. Enjoyed reading the list! Which Software Providers Have Made the Best Live Dealer Games? others seem robotic programmed enslaved to me. It is particularly common in people with European, Latin American, and They also have extra vertebrae, sensitive vision, are very sensitive to sunlight, and high blood pressure. This led to . I had been married and divorced twice before we met. Be it in jobs, relationships or living in the wrong place. Our true self comes out when surrounded by other Rh negatives. Strange facts about Rh negative blood not many people know about These personality traits also help people be able to sense the truth in others, even if that person is attempting to masquerade as something or someone else. Score: 4.8/5 (36 votes) . The most common blood type group worldwide is 0+, while the rarest one is the AB negative. Most people are Rh positive, meaning they have inherited the Rh factor from either their mother or father. & my statements are obviously filtered and known via what i am, have experienced/considered and so on). We share a longing which we cant define. These people seem to all share an unusual bloodtype --- RH negative. Believe me, you do not have to do anything to be on the receiving end of their animosity. I am unable. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". If the protein if present on your red blood cells, your blood is Rh positive. Ancient scrolls from Asia and India, passages in myths and in the Koran or Bible that mention other beings or people at the time of man being of a different origin . People with blood type A have more cortisol, a hormone related to stress, and have hard times when it comes to stressful situations. A professional writer with over a decade of incessant writing skills. What is more, this language doesnt belong to the Indo European group of languages, which makes him really isolated. 3. Nice list, Mike! Only people with at least one Rh-negative factors will have a negative blood type, which is why the occurrence of Rh-negative blood is less common than Rh-positive blood. Then we began seeing each otherHe studied every trait to make me believe he knew me. Its good to talk to other people like me for a change. 9. 7 Essential Legal Tips for Trucking Business, 6 Ways to Boost Your Trucking Business Profits, Strep Throat- Symptoms, Causes, Preventive Measures And Treatments. (, All in all, 0 blood type is healthier, and people with this blood type have more chances to reach an old age compared to the other blood types, so is the strongest one. Individuals with the RH-negative blood type often have the following characteristics: Higher IQ Blue, green or hazel eyes Reddish hair Piercing eyes Empathic qualities Sensitivity to heat Unexplained phobias Highly tuned senses So if individuals with RH negative blood didn't evolve from the same ancestor as the rest of us, where do they come from? Ive been a magnet for narcissistic men with control issues You may relate to just one of these traits or being able to point to each one of them and say that describes you. But for some, it's evidence that an extraterrestrial encounter occurred thousands of years ago, which produced half-human creatures that still live on Earth today. There are some special characteristics that make people with RH negative blood type unique and may cause some health concerns. According to Dr. Power, Rh negative blood, the red blood cells of which are without the Rh factor, developed only among the isolated communities of the French and Spanish Pyrenees and have the highest propensity for food allergies, necessitating a special diet. The Significance of Being Rh Negative or Rh Positive Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas and whatever you do or dont celebrate, Rh negatives! People with Rh-Negative blood are ridiculously intelligent. Can rh negative people recognize each other? Thank you! claircognizant ? Another theory associates the blood type of these people with the Nephilimbloodline, that according to theBook of Enoch in the Bible, we fallen angels that mated with humans and created half-angel half-human offspring. After he had been on the case for a short time he said he wasnt going to try to prosecute any of the thieves because he felt I lied to him. These modern-day prophets are just like the seers and sages of old who could literally see into the future. Brand of Intelligence. 3. Scientists have tried to pinpoint their origin with little success. Its structure suggests that the molecular complex with RhD protein transports NH3 or CO2 molecules across the erythrocyte cell membrane. Everything You Know about Being Rh-Negative Is Wrong 15 Signs Of Negative People - LifeHack I was so infuriated, I fired him. For that reason, people with this blood type often seek out others with the same personality traits to find friendships. Lacking Rh factor can lead to problems especially in cases where blood transfusion or organ transplant is needed urgently. some people i cant stand to listen to unfortunately (thats just the way it is for me). Start Your Senior Yoga Journey: 5 Tips to Get You Going! They Said She Was A Witch and Murdered Her in 1692. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Its about Processing speed im not interested in intentionally making life harder for others. What is the rarest blood type known to man? 10 Rh Negative Blood Type Facts - I am more content with women as friends and this is something that is hard for my friends to understand as I am well liked and popular, but I have given up trying to be in relationships. Most people with this personality trait will form a deep bond with a spouse, lighter bonds with certain friends, and then brush off random acquaintences. 100 Traits that Rh Negatives might have in common WE are different. They are usually the victim of lousy weather, a difficult boss, bad luck, and their upbringing. People who have the Rh negative personality traits tend to be easily frightened. There are more people with RH positive group. Rh negative children often feel uneasy in school and are not good at following orders blindly. People who have Rh negative personality traits often feel like they live on their own island, even if they are surrounded by people. and have a hard time showing any interest if they have none. Similarly, if the parents of the parents. I have weird allergies to sulfite preservatives and autoimmune issues but they dont stop me from doing what I enjoy. More people are Rh positive than Rh negative, so it is considered an uncommon blood type. Rh negative blood type is rare. Is being Rh negative genetic? I recently met a person, somehow RH negative blood type surfaced in conversationThe red hair? To be more geographically accurate, most people with the highest concentration of RH negative antigen, meaning 40% have RH negative blood type, is found in one small isolated part of the world somewhere between Spain and France on the Iberian peninsula, in the Basque region. Top Benefits of Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer, The Different Types of Medical Negligence You Should Know About, 5 Health Benefits of Non-Alcoholic Whiskey. Especially as the present space-time continuum morphs through the 4th Density are the Rh-negative folks more attuned to extra-spatial events and extra-temporal changes. People often seem fake to us because they are, though most dont recognize such fakeness. Secondary outcome results indicated that type O blood group had an aRR of 0.87 (95% CI, 0.78-0.97) for severe COVID-19 illness and death versus all other blood groups and Rh- status had an aRR of 0.82 (95% CI, 0.68-0.96) compared to . Their intelligence often comes across as being rude, arrogant, or cocky to others who don't understand them. I was shopping there last night (03-21-10). Can rh negative people recognize each other? Faking interest in anything is extremely difficult for us. I had a situation where I had to hire a scum bag lawyer to prosecute people stealing from my brothers estate. At first I thought you left it off the list, but then I read it a little more closely. Low body temperature is unusually frequent in most, but not all of us. I have thought for the longest time, that it was just me like this..I try to find other Rh negatives around me, because I feel so alone. Why are TPTB tracking people with Rh-negative blood so closely? Other people who have a high incidence of RH negative blood type are people living in northern parts of Africa, more precisely in the Canary Islands and the Atlas Mountains of Morocco and many scientists believe that they, along with Basques, are descendants of Cro Magnons, the first modern humans that inhabited European continent. The general population contains this protein in their blood, meaning they are marked with a + in their blood type. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Where should you get your ancestry tested? The Truth About People With RH Negative Blood - YouTube Which female haplogroups are associated with being rhesus negative? Its Easier When Two Have The Same Blood Type To Get Along With Each Other. Amazing Even though there are many theories related to people with negative RH blood type, their origin remains to be a mystery, and it attracts people who love stories of people who have superpowers and are special. I dont drink, lifelong teetotal, take no drugs, autoimmune problems, every medication had a backlash on me, so l stopped attending doctors forty years ago. Also I have had many odd occurrences in my life especially when I was little, its become normality and I tend to ignore things now, mind you my husband has been unnerved on several occasions! The average among most people is only 15%-Rh negative, while some groups have very little. We experience what is important to us and not what isnt. Published on May 17, 2018. One thing not mentioned here or elsewhere is that According to popular belief, people containing the Rh Negative blood (especially O Negative) are said to have special abilities and higher intellect than those who have Rh Positive blood. Then, l felt it was a necessary lesson l was being shown, like the very start of life, and l was not a human, but a tiny part of the beginning of the world. no one chose to be born into this world. We can conclude that many conducted studies suggest and demonstrate different findings, and although most of the diseases are induced by genetics or the environment, some diseases are most common in some blood types, while less likely to develop in others. And, there is a small percentage of the world population that lacks this protein. Hi Barry, I think we can all agree that relationships are not easy for rh-s and its easier to be alone. (5), Moreover, almost 30 % of Basque people have 0 blood type and a very low frequency of group B, which makes them unique. The Samaritans and the Black Cochin Jew also . id like others to respect/acknowledge my differences and not try to f-ck w/ me about them. Their body temperature is generally lower than average, they have red hair and green or blue eyes, and they are more sensitive to high temperatures. Im A- and I understand what youre saying. The Oriental Jews of Israel, also have a high percent Rh negative, although most other Oriental people have only about 1% Rh negative. In areas with a lot of Toxoplasma, being Rh negative might be an advantage. What Is The Rh Factor? Why Is It Important? - Red Cross Blood Rh negative children often feel uneasy in school and are not good at following orders blindly. Um. 5. Sounds like you were blessed with the allergy problem too. Wait. However, you attract lovers, unwanted attention and stalkers like no one else you have ever known! Where is rh negative blood most frequent? According to the Japanese theory: People that belong to the type B blood group are: The negative sides of their personalities include: While people that belong to A blood group are: and when it comes to negative character traits, they are: and when it comes to the negative character traits, they are: People that belong to the AB blood type group are: The negative traits when it comes to this blood type personality include: Genetics and sometimes ethnicity play a vital role when determining your blood type, but we should never look at someones other persons blood type with cultural or ethnic prejudice. Very Enlightening! You have high levels of intuition. Yes, being Rh-negative is an inherited genetic trait. We practice escapism from time to time but tend not to lose track of where our mind and mindset is. Here are some strange facts about Rh-negative blood: People with Rh- groups have a higher risk of developing mental health issues. You might say these characteristics add to the theory of alien origin. And, besides, not everybody really wants my input so, why waste my time)? There is something in us that longs for each other. Especially as the present space-time continuum morphs through the 4th Density are the Rh-negative folks more attuned to extra-spatial events and extra-temporal changes. Those that are have Rh antigens are positive for Rh, while those that don't have it are Rh negative (ie. We are susceptible to bacterial infections. Rh negative men are never threatened by strong women. Especially as the present space-time continuum morphs through the 4th Density are the Rh-negative folks more attuned to extra-spatial events and extra-temporal changes. 11 Rh Negative Blood Type Personality Traits - Rhesus-positive and Rhesus-negative persons differ in the presence-absence of highly immunogenic RhD protein on the erythrocyte membrane. It looks like Rh negative people may be less affected by this parasite. The biological function of the RhD molecule is unknown. Something most consider minor can change our mood by 180 degrees (+ or -). In one study conducted by the Karolinska Institutet in Sweden, it was found that people in the B group may be protected from getting a kidney stone. Rhesus Factor Many people also have the rhesus D (Rh) antigen expressed by their red blood cells. There are four blood types and a protein, called the Rh factor, which provide these influences. The answers are often in us and reveal themselves immediately once we clear our energy field. You experience unusual events. The HLA complex helps the immune system distinguish the body's own proteins from proteins made by foreign invaders such as viruses and bacteria. If your blood and your baby's. . Hi Amy, Rh-Negative Blood: An Exotic Bloodline or Random - Ancient Origins Everyone has an opinion not necessarily applies to us as we are more focused on finding answers than voicing the few that we have. - Rh negative women are often described as more sexually aggressive with men being more passive. We can have a love-hate relationship with money as part of us hates to submit to the power it has over us. Jan 12, 2017 at 12:49 pmExhaust Fan Said: (function(d, s, id) { i make a lot of decisions from my head (ideally w/ enough time to check my feelings and my overall sense of/about the issue/thing or whatever). We are likely to have some form of heterochromia, be it of the hair or eyes (usually central heterochromia). Safety. Some people even believe they have mental traits that set themselves apart from the general population. Rh-negative blood types are extremely rare and decreasing Across the world, there are approximately 6% of people with Rh-negative blood types in total. (4). When we dont know something, its hard for us to let go until we find out more. Their body temperature is generally lower than average, they have red hair and green or blue eyes, and they are more sensitive to high temperatures. Haha A, B, AB, and O are the four common blood types present among humans and are usually inherited from the parents and are determined by pair of genes. Clairvoyant Perception A MUST READ If You Have Rh-Negative Blood | Radiant Living We dont believe in the label conspiracy theorist, but if we were comfortable speaking our minds, society would label us as such. Im better at seeing the warning signs now, There are a wide range of options in this category. Recognize and Acknowledge Boundaries and Territories. Analytical Comprehension People with Rh Negative blood are ridiculously intelligent. Moreover, a study concluded that this percentage is likely to fall even more because of low population growth in Europe, where it is more prevalent. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Why are TPTB tracking people with Rh-negative blood so closely? Disclaimer: This blog, all of its content and all of my posts are for Entertainment Purposes Only. Otherwise use first name and last initial. Other interesting facts that were found in this study are that: People with blood type A have bigger chances of experiencing a blood clot that those with blood type 0, People with blood type 0 are more likely to experience a bleeding disorder, Women that are RHD positive have bigger chances of getting pregnancy-induced hypertension (7), According to another study conducted by the Department of Research in Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi, India, people with AB, 0 blood types, and people that are RH negative have lower chances of getting COVID infection, but when it comes to mortality and severity of this disease and all blood groups were susceptible to high infection and mortality equally (8). One more interesting fact is that according to one study regarding sexual orientation, a high proportion of homosexuals were RH negative compared to heterosexuals. If you do not have this protein, then you have Rh negative blood. 6. And among these questions are the theories that suggest that these people do not have the same origins as the rest of us do. Rh negative, Blue Blood, Aliens, Reptiles - just another day in paradise What a Dog Can Understand The Oriental Jews of Israel, also have a high percentage of Rh negatives in their population, although most other Oriental people have only about 1% Rh negative. Or Wait a Minute maybe NOT , Other Than That More prone to allergies. Rh-Negative Blood Type Personality Traits: 45 Features of a Rare Rh 9. Claircognizant might be a word that applies to us. What are the rh negative personality traits? Many of us have never grown out of the presumed need to be more likely everyone else. Rh negative children tend to be very passionate with whatever they have true interests in. Nevertheless, some studies found that people with 0 blood type have lower chances of getting diabetes, but additional research is needed. There are two other ways l see l can be totally relaxed and suddenly eyes, so big and vivid peer right into mine, they initially startle me, some are hostile, some are curious, some are smiling, like lm a captive and on show and these eyes take instant close up turns of looking into mine.