The instructors assessment may be informal and recorded only for the instructors own use in planning the next lesson for the students, or it may be formal. For example, a flight instructor should not rely exclusively on a software program on traffic patterns and landings to do the ground instruction for a student pilot, then expect the student to demonstrate patterns and landings in the aircraft. A good visual aid can help the instructor show the students the path that they are to travel. An instructor should write performance-based objectives to fit the desired outcome of the lesson. This fourth organizational pattern starts with common usage before progressing to the rarer ones. VR uses graphics with animation systems, sounds, and images to reproduce electronic versions of real-life experience. The projection angle should be adjusted to eliminate image distortion. People skills are the ability to interact, talk, understand, empathize, and connect with people. It is important to remember that a training delivery method is rarely used by itself. Effective instructors relate well to people. The informal lecture includes active student participation. A model is even more effective if it works like the original, and if it can be taken apart and reassembled. discussions provide the student with increased exposure to proper decision-making, From the description of guided discussion, it is obvious this method works best in a group situation, but it can be modified for an interactive one-on-one learning situation. The instructor also should carefully consider the class size and the depth of the presentation. The behavior can be physical and overt, or it can be intellectual or attitudinal." Everyone has the opportunity to comment, listen, think, and participate. Rather, flight maneuvers are integrated into the flight training scenarios and conducted as they would occur in the real world. Often combined with traditional task and maneuver training within a given scenario, decision-based objectives facilitate a higher level of learning and application. +44 (0)7540 787812 While there are subtle nuances to the different terms which include computer-assisted learning (CAL), computerassisted instruction (CAI), computer-based training (CBT), and computer-based instruction (CBI), this handbook will use the term "computer-assisted learning" in the following discussion, Computer-assisted learning (CAL) couples the personal computer (PC) with multimedia software to create a training device. The instructor provides the problem to the student, offering only limited assistance as the student solves it, but participating in finding solutions. Since the material projected requires no special preparation, the cost is very low. Use of these questions and projects as part of the syllabus helps an instructor ensure that all subject areas for a particular class have been covered, There are many ways to incorporate design features in training materials in order to facilitate regulatory compliance, required endorsements, and recordkeeping. Recordings of sounds and speeches should be tested for correct volume and quality in the actual environment in which they will be used. Many scenarios were coupled to the maneuver until the student not only had the requisite skills, but also related them to many conditions where they would be needed. However in the teaching lecture, the feedback is not nearly as obvious and is much harder to interpret. a flight instructor demonstrates their coaching ability by For example, it would be possible for a technicians eyes to easily move back and forth from computer-generated technical data to the actual hardware while diagnosing and correcting a maintenance problem, Trends in training indicate a shift from the typical classroom to more extensive use of a lab-type environment with computer work or study stations. For the instructor, maintaining control of the learning situation may be difficult. If the discussion has revealed that certain areas are not understood by one or more members of the group, the instructor should clarify or cover this material again, As with any training method that involves discussion, students are encouraged to listen to and learn from their instructor and/or each other. Each student should be given the opportunity to discuss the various aspects of the subject, and feel free to do so. Fig. For example, Marks closest friends bought him a ticket for a playoff game at their alma mater and they paid him to rent an airplane. The terrain is flat farmland with no published obstacles, What will he do now? Using simulation devices, computer networks, and multimedia programs, students become more actively involved and responsible for their own training. A simple process can be used to determine if and where instructional aids are necessary, Clearly establish the lesson objective. Unlike younger students, no law requires they attend school, they are paying for the training, and they expect the instructor to make wise use of their time, To manage time well, it is important that an instructor look at the time available and plan how to use the time to achieve the lesson goals. Computer-aided information is particularly useful for aviation maintenance activities. If writing has been previously prepared, it should be covered and then revealed one step at a time, If necessary, use a ruler, compass, or other devices in making drawings, Use the upper part of the board. A model is a copy of a real object. The student may then conduct a review of questions missed, Some of the more advanced CAL applications allow students to progress through a series of interactive segments where the presentation varies as a result of their responses. Thus, the instructor provides assistance, reinforcement, and answers for those who need it most, In this situation, the CAL should still be considered as an add-on instructional aid to improve traditional classroom instruction. Since the student must remove the position light, install a power supply, and also install the tail strobe light, he or she needs to make several decisions that effect the final weight and balance of the aircraft. Many of them can be combined during the actual presentation. Efforts in this area pay great dividends in terms of quality of instruction. In other words, they must mean the same thing to any knowledgeable reader. The tendency toward unnecessarily distracting artwork also should be avoided, Instructional aids should appeal to the student and be based on sound principles of instructional design. Regardless of the teaching or training delivery method used, the teaching process remains the same. Throughout the time the instructor prepares the students for their discussion, they should be made aware of the lesson objective(s). They also tend to watch movies or TV in a passive way without attempting to absorb what they are seeing and hearing. Prior planning and rehearsal will help determine the important points and concepts that should be stressed, either during the presentation or as part of a summary. Whatever the setting, instructors need to learn how to effectively use them, For many years, educators have theorized about how the human brain and the memory function during the communicative process. The software may include additional features such as image banks with full color photos and graphics, as well as questions or directions which are programmed to create interactivity for students as they progress through the course, The questions or directions are programmed using a branching technique, which provides several possible courses of action for the user to choose in order to move from one sequence to another. The description should be in concrete terms that can be measured. A reverse question is a question asked by a learner and the instructor returns the question to the same learner for response. a flight instructor demonstrates their coaching ability by During a formal lecture, the speakers purpose is to inform, to persuade, or to entertain with little or no verbal participation by the students. However, writing standards to evaluate a students level of learning or overt behavior in the affective domain (attitudes, beliefs, and values) is more difficult, The overall objective of an aviation training course is usually well established, and the general standards are included in various rules and related publications. SBT is a powerful tool because the future is unpredictable and there is no way to train a pilot for every combination of events that may happen in the future, Should promote situational awareness and opportunities for decision-making, Collaboration (two or more people working together) to solve problems has been used throughout time. The rhetorical question is similar in nature, because it also spurs group thought. The instructor must provide opportunities for students to practice and, at the same time, make sure that this process is directed toward a learning objective, A successful instructor needs to be familiar with as many teaching methods as possible. Likewise, military pilots use flight training devices or flight simulators to prepare for flying aircraft, such as the A-10, for which there are no two-seat training versions. A postage stamp, typed material, textbook illustrations, or a defective spark plug are representative of the items that may be projected. [Figure 4-4], The description of the skill or behavior explains the desired outcome of the instruction. Also, the instructor should avoid a long apologetic introduction, because it only serves to dampen the students interest in the lesson, Development is the main part of the lesson. [Figure 4-18] The brilliant light source concentrated at a short distance makes it possible to use the projector in lighted areas. Usually the instructor has to interrupt the students efforts for corrections and further demonstrations. In addition, the Certificated Flight Instructor (CFI) needs to remember he or she is teaching a pilot who should: Seek proficiency in control of the aircraft. For example, the specific words, "a leak in the fuel line" tell more than the general term "mechanical defect", Another way the instructor can add life to the lecture is to vary his or her tone of voice and pace of speaking. Review and assessment are integral parts of each classroom, and/or flight lesson. Errors in grammar and vulgarisms detract from an instructors dignity and insult the intelligence of the students, If the subject matter includes technical terms, the instructor should clearly define each one so that no student is in doubt about its meaning. Content validity means that a particular maneuver or procedure closely mimics what is required. Students can answer the second question by merely saying "Denver," but the first question is likely to start a discussion of air density, engine efficiency, and the effect of temperature on performance, It is the instructors responsibility to help students prepare themselves for the discussion. Sometimes, in the process of writing the objective, a difficulty is encountered. This critique helps the instructor judge the adequacy of supporting materials and visual aids, as well as the presentation. Lectures can be used to present information that would be difficult for the students to get in other ways, particularly if the students do not have the time required for research, or if they do not have access to reference material. Other aids, which are usually more expensive, are projected materials, video, computerbased programs, and models, mock-ups, or cut-aways. For example, a program may indicate, "That was incorrect. Unless the students have some knowledge to exchange with each other, they cannot reach the desired learning outcomes by the discussion method. First, it will familiarize flight instructors with the FITS program, including its history, objectives, methods, and future goals. Quiz 6 - Instructor's Responsibilities and Professionalism The pilot informed the controller that he was low on fuel and needed to land as soon as possible. In most cases, the objective is listed along with sufficient conditions to describe the scope of the objective. Periodic review and assessment by the instructor is necessary to ensure that the student has not acquired any bad habits, As the student becomes proficient with the fundamentals of flight and aircraft maneuvers or maintenance procedures, the instructor should increasingly emphasize ADM as a means of applying what has been previously learned. Whether working as an individual instructor or employed by a flight or maintenance school, the instructor must ensure that each student accomplishes a number of important benchmarks.