Having driven all night, Castle then decided to get some sleep, but not before tying Rachel to the bed to prevent her from leaving and gagging her with duck tape. Suddenly, Mahoney approached them, knowing they would be there. Never cease to amaze, Madani. ""Maybe none, but I still need to find a way to put him behind bars. Despite Castle's pleas, both families were slaughtered. The final part of the Punisher's story in season 2 of Daredevil sees him on the hunt for the Blacksmith. Frank Castle explaining how his family died. Unwilling to allow the Punisher to be killed by the gang, Daredevil managed to take him out of the building before the Dogs of Hell could beat him to death until Castle awoke and escaped during the fight. ""It's impossible not to hear your Uncle Billy, bud. Didn't wanna raise her alone, but she understood if I did not want to hang around. While Bendix went into the bedroom, Castle then attempted to relax on the couch, as he turned on the television, flicking past a nature channel. Well, you can kiss my ass! Images: Patrick Harbron/Netflix; Giphy (3), Randy Roth From 'A Rose For Her Grave' Is Still In Prison, The Subject Of This Netflix True Crime Doc Is Now Guilty Of Murdering His Wife & Son, Morgan Doughty Filed A Lawsuit Against The Murdaugh Family, Heres How To Watch The Alex Murdaugh Trial Live, Get Even More From Bustle Sign Up For The Newsletter. [25], How's your team look? An angry Castle told Hoyle that there was a five million dollar bounty on Bendix's head and Hoyle realized his mistake. Early in this storyline, Captain America joins forces with Punisher, Deadpool, and Wolverine to stop the infected hulk and his faction. Castle then noted that if he was ever back in Michigan, he would give Beth a call, before they exchanged a hug and Castle gently taped on their truck's window to say a goodbye to Rex, stepping towards the motel. ""You heard what I said.Frank Castle and Wilson Fisk. When Castle answered, he claimed that the caller had the wrong guy, to which Micro had used Castle's real name and noted that he was seemingly a dead man following the explosion at the Blacksmith's ship. Abandoning his identity, Castle attempted to live the quiet life, under the name Peter "Pete" Castiglione, but he was found by Micro who revealed to him that more people had been involved in his family's death, and they were involved in the illegal Operation Cerberus he had performed in Afghanistan. He convinced Henderson to talk with him and that he is not a threat. Dismissing Castle's questions about how she had started working for Fiona, Bendix then continued discussing how she had watched her friends bleeding out in their motel room and she had been unable to run away as Pilgrim had come back into the room. Having smashed Russo's face in the mirror a final time, the Punisher had left his bleeding body behind and instead went to care for Carl and Hayley, cutting them down and setting them free. While Madani took down these notes about Walsh, Castle suggested that he could take down Walsh for her, in order to keep Madani away from it, although Madani suggested that Castle might not be strong enough with a broken wrist. However, Russo noted how Arthur Walsh took away Russo's love of their game when Walsh attempted to sexually molest him as a child, while Walsh had been one of his careers at the children's home. At the same time, he does not seem to care what the citizens of New York and the law enforcement think of him as he has witnessed their ineptitude in dealing with his family's murder first hand. You here? As Micro had still doubted their plans, Castle then ordered him not to have any second thoughts, telling him to quiet down his thoughts. As the Punisher brutalized the corpses, the mercenaries made it to Micro's computer system as they found footage of William Rawlins torturing Ahmad Zubair playing on a loop. They're not gonna like that. After a season spent tracking down (and mercilessly dispatching) the people responsible for the brutal murders of his wife, daughter, and son, Frank traced the ultimate blame back to a crime lord nicknamed the Blacksmith. With the offer to take a new job with Anvil overseas still on the table, Castle left to think it over and decide what would be the best move for him; however, Russo began planning for his friend's assassination, fearing that Castle could expose Cerberus Squad and ruin everything he had been building since leaving the United States Armed Forces. Castle was removed from the courtroom and sentenced to jail immediately. Believing that he no longer had a war to fight for, Castle then gave up the mantle of the Punisher, symbolically burning his vest since he considering every single person he had killed to avenge the mindless death of his family. Guys like that, it's never on them! Okay, state massacre, the carousel hit, I hear you were there. While Castle stayed calm, Johnny smashed a beer bottle and had then attempted to use it as a weapon to stab Castle, although he was able to easily avoid his attack. The photographs contained photos of David Schultz kissing a man, which went against the Schultzes beliefs. [40], These guys just want to be a part of something, and Billy's giving that to 'em. But no. Knowing that this would most likely be an ambush for him, Castle made his own plans about how to protect himself and ensure that his target was killed. In order to get in the correct mindset to portray Castle, Bernthal trained with military members, along with receiving weapon training. Castle started to interrogate Nelson, saying that he knew Nelson was hard to break due to his veteran background, but Castle also went through the training, so he knew how to break Nelson. They returned to their RV and Castle loaded up his guns. During one of his unit's deployments within Afghanistan, Castle was assigned to a new task force under the supervision of Ray Schoonover and an anonymous civilian commander known to the men only as Agent Orange. Season 2 is hurt by defenders set up, but the first 4 ish episodes with punisher is at the top for the series. [1], Look, Donny. [11], Okay, one more time. Castle was assigned Christopher Roth as his attorney, but he was visited by Nelson and Murdock and Matt Murdock explained that they wished to represent him. When he's leaving he says to himself, "Because somebody had to be first.". Quinn teased Castle about his intentions to simply pass through different bars, calling him a man of mystery, noting how he had come to the bar, defended her honour against Johnny and he had now seemingly intended to just vanish in the nights, and she would never see him again, while Castle had then insisted that Quinn did not actually need saving from anybody. However, they were then interrupted by a knock at the door, as both Castle and Bendix hid inside the bedroom while Madani opened the door to Brett Mahoney, who had come over to ask Madani if she had stolen Russo's Journal from Sacred Saints Hospital, which she had denied. However, just before they walked away, Bendix suggested that they could burn that studio to the ground if it made him feel better. Knowing that he was serious, Barrett explained that Konchevsky worked from Kazan's Gym, noting they were not good people, but the Gym would be a good target. [31], You still think this piece of shit is worth saving. [25], You gonna run? Castle limped out of the ambulance and gained his bearings enough to try to pop his dislocated shoulder back in place. I'm guilty!Frank Castle. The Anvil agents left after the hacker succeeded to wipe all of Micro's files as Rawlins proceeded to test Castle's heartbeat. [9] As they completed one of their trainings together, Castle and Russo both underwent the gauntlet, in which they would walk through all their fellow marines while getting beaten down to prove their endurance as well as their physical strength, as Castle had given Russo a mocking prep talk before he went through the gauntlet first, making it to the end. [14], Whole world thinks we did this together, kid.""Hey! ""Blacksmith already tried to get me once, I really don't want to give him a second chance. 'George Bach to Karen Page, Not one for fancy living, is he?Finn Cooley to Rory, They were living here, but there's no sign now.Jack to Billy Russo, You got four walls and heat. She begrudgingly agreed, but charged him extra for it, to his irritation. ""You know, kid, maybe you were right. Page recommended that Castle take the stand himself and defend his actions in front of the jury, as she felt it was the only chance they had of winning after the outburst in the courtroom. This is the Punisher Kills the Marvel Universe story line, and it lives up to its name. However, Kazan noted that he was not the one who would be talking, before he had then turned to the Russian, ordering them to subdue Punisher but keep him alive, while the Punisher had then readied himself for the upcoming fight. Bendix then presented Castle with some clothes that she had bought him, noting that she had got him black as it seemed to be his style. [16], It's my fault. Castle is let free and would help Hardin and the rest of the sheriffs. When asked who else was involved, Castle then named Billy Russo, telling the camera that Russo was a fellow marine who had worked for Rawlins, noting that Madani already knew this. Castle had then listened while Micro theorized that they could shoot them down from there, and questioned if his wife and son were already dead, to which Castle then reassured him that they were clearly needed alive. As all these images flashed in front of his face, the Punisher focused on the cries of desperation from Carl and Hayley and then continued to attempt to find Russo on board the Carousel. He was called by Sarah, her insurance company needed a signed statement about the accident so they can move forward with the claim. Cemetery Scene (Daredevil: Season 2, Episode 4) In this incredibly emotional monologue, we learned what Frank went through in his life that led to him becoming The Punisher. [25], They killed your whole family right in front of you. Undoubtedly the second half of the season will hold the answers to this lingering mystery. Accordingly, it helped fill in a lot of blanks. She won't know the difference.Amy Bendix and Frank Castle. Boom. Matt takes the opportunity to teach Frank that every hero he's killed is a real person behind the mask. As Jack failed to answer him, the Punisher simply shot him into the leg before he then questioned where Sarah and Zach Lieberman were, only for Jack to insist that he had not been given that information. Castle told the waitress what he wanted and was asked if he was going to stay, noting he that it all depends on the eggs. He enjoys movies, TV, video games and writing his bio in third person. As Billy Russo and his crew were leaving the bank, Castle dressed as Jake Nelson arrived. Daredevil + Punisher = Vigilante Bros | Tor.com However, Castle then witnessed the Russian grabbing Barrett and kidnapping him, although Castle chose not to help Barrett. He is brutal, cold, and efficient. [16], I don't get to see him the way I want to, Rex. Given that Karen Page is one of the only people who knows that Frank Castle is actually still alive, and that he didn't die at the docks that day, it makes sense that she would be drawn back into his orbit once he resurfaces during the events of The Punisher Season 1. Just as Castle got a slice of pizza, his phone began to ring, white he got Bendix to grab it out of his pocket and answered it, to see that it was Barrett calling him back. Castle immediately barged in and punched Schultz square in the face before closing the door. Micro then informed him that he pinged both Wilson and Hoyle's cellphone at O'Connor's apartment, forcing Castle to head there. Given that the character has already starred in three feature films not to mention 42 years of history on the page of Marvel comics most people tuning into Season 2 of Netflix's Daredevil are likely at least passingly familiar with the origin story of the Punisher. If I find these men who did that to my family, what if? Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Castle's experience using his abilities as a force for good convinced him to take up his mantle, embrace being the Punisher, and go on to headline his own story. [30] Castle, however, ensured that the wound was not fatal by aiming directly for the strongest part of the helmet, leaving Daredevil on the rooftop before escaping. Three months later, Maria informed Castle that she had fallen pregnant with his first child, with Maria offering Castle the chance to walk away as she was willing to raise the child alone, only for Castle to instead propose to her, resulting in them getting married. His fans brought flowers and hundreds of stuffed animals and toys to the memorial, presumed to be in honor of Castle's deceased children. As Clive was bleeding heavily and weeping out of terror, Castle then pressed the shotgun against his chest, as he prepared to execute the pedophile. Daredevil is another character who's seen multiple deaths at the hands of The Punisher. The Punisher first appeared in Netflix's Daredevil and after leaving an absolutely stunning impression, Frank Castle got his own story to tell. Accompanying the toys were large print outs of Castle's skull x-ray, a symbol that had become synonymous with the Punisher himself. Allow us to explain. Grabbing the shotgun he had hidden earlier, the Punisher shot one mercenary into his Bulletproof Vest twice, knocking him into another mercenary who he shot point-blank in the face. The Punisher is everyone's favorite anti-hero. The Blacksmith. With everything in place for the incoming battle, the Punisher donned his Skull Vest and waited in the shadows while the Anvil agents had then arrived inside Micro's Hideout with their guns raised, as they all searched for their target. Castle took his advantage and took a single shot right in the direction of Orange's head. I'm getting the bullet. Castle teased Madani about pulling her gun on him again, following their last encounter at the Royal Hospitality, before he made it clear that if Micro trusted Madani, then he did as well. Out of the 13 installments in Daredevil Season 2, Castle showed up in 12 of them. While Bendix shuffled the cards, she asked Castle if he was an assassin for Homeland Security, which Castle denied, while also noting that the name Punisher was not one he chose for himself, before he failed at Bendix's game again, much to Castle's considerable frustration. Having seen Leo in the Van with her father, Castle stepped over to her side and told her she had done well to survive. I asked her to marry me that day.Frank Castle to Micro. Bendix told Castle about how she had gone to get tacos for Fiona's crew but had found them all dead, so she had hidden under the bed and then witnessed John Pilgrim returning. The furious fight eventually involved knives, then fists, then just simple, barbaric brutality. Rawlins refused, stating that he wanted to kill Castle for everything he took from him and have the latter begging for his life.