Contemporaries who agreed with Franck's argument in the second and third paragraphs regarding the need for an international agreement would most likely have made which of the following arguments to support their problem- The peace agreements should ensure that Germany could never threaten the stability of Europe again. Because of this, the original formulation of PAP is unnecessary. This poster appeals to the US citizens by linking-, The World War II military action shown on Map 2 was significant because it-, forced Germany to fight the allies on eastern and western fronts, Using both maps and your historical knowledge, how do the maps exemplify one reason there is Soviet resentment towards the allies after World War II, the original allied strategy led to a significant number of soviet casualties despite soveit urging to spit German forces on two bonds, THE INDIVIDUAL TO SERVE THE NEEDS OF THE STATE, Fascist rule in italy under Mussolini was popular because it-, Promised a strong, confident government powers to the lower classes, who had been oppressed for centuries, How was Bolshevik Revolution in Russia similar to the rise of fascism in Germany and Italy-, Justify the use of nuclear weapons against Japanese cities with large civilian populations-, Japanese government propaganda instilled fierce, suicidal, nationalism in the Japanese population, making japan unlikely to surrender unconditionally without experiencing the effects of nuclear weapons, Contemporaries who agreed with Franck's argument in the second and third paragraphs regarding the need for an international agreement would most likely have made which of the following arguments to support their problem-. Princeton senior claims campuses' leftward lurch creates generation of The twin world condition also avoids getting bogged down in the debate over whether the relationship between the sign and the decision is indicative of determinism or is indeterminate (Ginet and Palmer 2010; Robinson 2012; Shabo 2011). What is the point of the cult-man objection? Overall, Ralph Waldo claims that the true basis for self-reliance is connection between an individual and nature (which is also his inner voice) which is important for a that individuals intellectual, aesthetic, and moral health and development. The id is entirely unconscious, while the ego operates in the conscious mind. For the ascription of moral responsibility, what is necessary is that alternate possibilities have some role to play in whatever conditions we devise to determine who is responsible and who is not, and why. editors. The Journal of Philosophy was founded in 1904 as The Journal of Philosophy, Psychology, and Scientific Methods by Frederick J. E. Woodbridge and J. McKeen Cattell. A It is typeset bySheridan Journal Services, Waterbury, VT, and printed byThe Sheridan Press, Hanover, PA. In 1906, Wendell T. Bush became associated with the Journal as co-editor. It is 980 too many. With the convenience of modern transportation and future innovations to come, Wright asks why proximity to the city is important. Among all the arguments calling for an efficient international organization for peace, the existence of nuclear weapons is the most compelling one. Mapping my twin world condition onto the Frankfurt scenario, we should understand Joness action E to be congruent across W1 and W2. In the following sentences, circle the word that each underlined participial phrase modifies and draw an arrow from the participial phrase to the word it modifies. As a sufficient condition for moral responsibility, the principle of alternate possibilities reads as follows: A person is morally responsible for what they have done if they could have done otherwise. In addition, I provide a further sufficient condition for moral responsibility the twin world condition and argue that this provides a means of justifying why the protagonist in Frankfurt-style scenarios (e.g., Jones) is still felt to be morally responsible. Alternative possibilities and causal histories. In Russia, too, the basic facts and implications of nuclear power were well understood in 1940, and the experience of Russian scientists in nuclear research is entirely sufficient to enable them to retrace our steps within a few years, even if we should make every attempt to conceal them. Question 16 options: The Federalist Papers (article) | Khan Academy The debate on the origins of World War One | The British Library Article Which of the following arguments would a supporter of using nuclear Philosophia, 35, 171180. Opponents contend, among other arguments, that the bombings were unnecessary to win the war or that they constituted a war crime or genocide. Every attempt to impede the international control agencies would have to be considered equivalent to denunciation of the agreement. Obviously, no time should be lost in inaugurating a study of this problem by experts. Not three months later came Frank Lloyd Wrights rebuttal. They did not become known as "The Federalist Papers" until the 20th century. Many different political ideologies were represented in the Republic, Which statement best explains why many Germans became discontented with the Weimar Republic in the early 1930s-, Germany experienced widespread unemployment and inflated prices. It is true that some irrational element in mass psychology makes gas poison more revolting than blasting by explosives, even though gas warfare is in no way more "inhuman" than the war of bombs and bullets. The answer to this question was given above -- the compelling reason for creating this weapon with such speed was our fear that Germany had the technical skill necessary to develop such a weapon and that the German government had no moral restraints regarding its use. The legitimacy of Frankfurts challenge to PAP as necessary for the ascription of moral responsibility has been debated extensively over the years. Frederick Franck: Life and Work - World Wisdom Issues of the Constitutional Convention - George Washington's Mount Vernon There are natural limits, 3rd or 4th order desires. Igniting the flicker of freedom: revisiting the Frankfurt scenario. Fosse Dancers: The thrill of "Bob Fosse's Dancin'," a revival of the 1978 musical is, aptly, its dancers. a) The scientific facts on which construction is based are well known to scientists of other countries. Neither Le Corbusier nor Frank Lloyd Wright could truly be said to have won the argument played out in the 1930s newspaper, as both got some ideas right and many wrong. On the other hand, it may be argued that without an early demonstration it may prove difficult to obtain adequate support for further intensive development of nucleonics in this country and that thus the time gained by the postponement of an open armaments race will not be properly used. Contemporaries who agreed with Franck's argument in the second and third paragraphs regarding the need for an international agreement would most likely have made which of the following arguments to support their position? Whatever E happens to be, it is congruent across the different worlds within each respective scenario: E is congruent across W1 and W2 within scenario 1 and congruent across W1 and W2 within scenario 2. volume44,pages 961969 (2016)Cite this article. Slider with three articles shown per slide. If no choice of targets, with a total area of five hundred square miles of American territory, contains a large enough fraction of the nation's industry and population to make their destruction a crippling blow to the nation's war potential and its ability to defend itself, then the attack will not pay, and may not be undertaken. Likewise: Here, S should not be morally praised for E in W1 as we must conclude that some form of intervention has occurred thereby making Ss action in W1 incongruent with what he would have done in W2. answer choices. Many upcoming theories claim that in addition to knowing the current state of the agent/choice, we also need to know the way that her current state came about. By taking opposite paths to the solution, the public was left with an abundance of ideas for solving problems, and future generations were able to pick and choose the best ideas from both plans. A. Why deck or double-deck or triple-deck the city streets at a cost of billions of dollars, only to invite increase and meet inevitable defeat? Wright asks of Le Corbusiers autostrades. It seems that we have not escaped the need for alternate possibilities, thereby making alternate possibilities necessary. The United States use of nuclear weapons against Japan might provoke the Soviet Union into becoming Japan's ally. However, such a quantitative advantage in reserves of bottled destructive power will not make us safe from sudden attack. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield. 2023 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 80(3), 551565. There is only rent., Stating that Broadacre City is the only democratic form for a city due to its systematic integration of individual units, Wright embraces the existing highway system. Ethics, 101(2), 258278. Russia, and even allied countries which bear less mistrust of our ways and intentions, as well as neutral countries may be deeply shocked by this step. Widerker, D. (1995). Voltaire supposedly kept up his prodigious output by spending up to 18 hours a day writing or dictating to secretaries, often while still in bed. Connect to ambivalence. (c) At the end of the story, how does the stranger's visit continue to affect the family? Journal of Philosophy, 68(11), 339345. As for society and individual's relationship to it, Emerson believes that being an individual . Fischer, J. M. (1994). Focusing on organic growth, Wright sees it as the natural next step for humanity to remove itself from busy city life based on (what he saw as) likely future innovations in transportation. The Key Arguments of Jefferson for Independence and the - GradesFixer After this, it might take other nations three or four years to overcome our present head start, and eight or ten years to draw even with us if we continue to do intensive work in this field. Example 1. contemporaries who agreed with franck's argument It must be pointed out that in this field we are in a less favorable position than nations which are now more diffusely populated and either whose industries are more scattered, or whose governments have unlimited power over the movement of population and the location of industrial plants. d) It requires study by statesmen and international lawyers, and we can offer only some preliminary suggestions for such a study. What is collective representation? Most arguments for God's existence start from something we observe in the world that logically infer God as the cause of these observable effects (e.g. This item is part of a JSTOR Collection. There is, however, a subtle but important distinction between PAP in its original formulation as a necessary condition and the manner in which the notion of alternate possibilities is presented within the twin world condition. If in this way, check is kept on the conversion of uranium and thorium ore into pure fissionable materials, the question arises as to how to prevent accumulation of large quantities of such materials in the hands of one or several nations. If an international agreement is not concluded immediately after the first demonstration, this will mean a flying start toward an unlimited armaments race. Amenities are spread along the highways and homes are nestled in parks and gardens and small farms, all surrounded by beautiful natural landscapes; Wright argues that 1,000 people to the hectare (2.47 acres) is looking not so far ahead. Much more favorable conditions for the eventual achievement of such an agreement could be created if nuclear bombs were first revealed to the world by a demonstration in an appropriately selected uninhabited area. Contemporaries who agreed with Franck's argument for an international agreement would likely argue that nuclear weapons pose a global threat that cannot be addressed by individual states alone. Standingathomeplate\underline{\text{Standing at home plate}}Standingathomeplate, Jesus\boxed{\text{Jess}}Jesus faced the pitcher. Where S in W1 engages in the same action (E) as S in W2 then this is sufficient to ascribe moral responsibility to S in either world.Footnote 3In short, we have available to us the means of ascribing moral responsibility even where S could not have done otherwise. It may be very difficult to persuade the world that a nation which was capable of secretly preparing and suddenly releasing a new weapon, as indiscriminately as the rocket bomb and a thousand times more destructive, is to be trusted in its proclaimed desire of having such weapons abolished by international agreement. As Engels points out, the ten-point program outlined here is very conservative and preliminary, and would have been much more developed had the Manifesto been written later. This is something that one can assess through the twin world condition in the absence of the current availability of alternative possibilities, and therefore even when it is not possible for S to have done other than he did on a given occasion. Palmer, D. (2011). Question 38 options: 21 Fairness, at 110. 13. Which of the following arguments would a supporter of using nuclear All of us, familiar with the present state of nucleonics, live with the vision before our eyes of sudden destruction visited on our own country, of a Pearl Harbor disaster repeated in thousand-fold magnification in every one of our major cities. Why, according to Kane, does this example fail to show what Dennett thinks it shows?, Frankfurt Examples. Connect to Locke's argument about the prisoner. - my will is free if it conforms with my second order desires (my will is my own). joe turner's come and gone audiobook Tuesday, June 14th, 2022 fleming's chocolate gooey butter cake recipe nostratic language examples meadow glens elementary school report card Such a limitation would have the drawback of making impossible also the development of nuclear power for peacetime purposes. We cannot simply say that S is morally responsible because he decided to do E and then did E (hereafter, doing E includes deciding to do E). How does he respond to the claim that the brainwasher is responsible for cult-man's actions (Principle of Transfer)? This may sound fantastic, but in nuclear weapons we have something entirely new in order of magnitude of destructive power, and if we want to capitalize fully on the advantage their possession gives us, we must use new and imaginative methods. the concept of the Congress representing the collective constituency of the whole country posi We have invented the machine and it should be liberating our minds and our leisure hours. British scientists know as much as we do about the basic wartime progress of nucleonics -- if not of the specific processes used in our engineering developments -- and the role which French nuclear physicists have played in the pre-war development of this field, plus their occasional contact with our Projects, will enable them to catch up rapidly, at least as far as basic scientific discoveries are concerned. This site is using cookies under cookie policy . PDF The Role of History in Thomas Franck's Fairness in International Law In the latter case, alternative possibilities are used in a more hypothetical context to assess if S would have been affected by their availability to the point of selecting one of these options should they have been available. He can place his "infernal machines" in advance in all our major cities and explode them simultaneously, thus destroying a major part of our industry and a large part of our population, aggregated in densely populated metropolitan districts. Neither Le Corbusier nor Frank Lloyd Wright could truly be said to have won the argument played out in the 1930s newspaper, as both got some ideas right and many wrong. Since its founding it has been published fromColumbia University. as long as uranium remains the only basic material for their fabrication), efficient dispersal of our industry and the scattering of our metropolitan population will considerably decrease the temptation to attack us by nuclear weapons. The Role of History in Franck's Fairness931 20 Ibid, at 86. What is a second-order wanton? Modified Frankfurt-type counterexamples and flickers of freedom. In 1962 Franck was the only artist invited to draw all four sessions of . The amounts of ore taken out of the ground at different locations could be controlled by resident agents of the international Control Board, and each nation could be allotted only an amount which would make large-scale separation of fissionable isotopes impossible. When Frank Lloyd Wright and Le Corbusier Had a Public Argument in The New York Times, All rights reserved. Thomas M. Franck Murry and Ida Becker Professor of Law Emeritus Professor Franck graduated from the University of British Columbia with a b.a. McKenna, M. (2005). The key aspect of this solution he termed autostrades, elevated motorways 16 feet (4.8 meters) above the pedestrian domain on the ground. In this case, there are alternate possibilities, of course, thereby making it possible for S to do other than he did; but there are no alternate possibilities that do not involve a morally repugnant outcome; meaning that S cannot engage in any action that does not result in an immoral act occurring. Both architects had utopian, all-encompassing plans for their ideal American city, combining social as well as architectural ideas. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser, 13. In 1932, both described these ideas in The New York Times; in these two articles Frank Lloyd Wright and Le Corbusier made their differing beliefs perfectly clear to the public. In conclusion, I aim to have shown that by positioning the principle of alternate possibilities as a sufficient condition for the ascription of moral responsibility, rather than as necessary, PAP(s) amounts to as useful a maxim as PAP for determining moral accountability. 1969 Journal of Philosophy, Inc. Robinson, M. (2012). Nevertheless, it is not at all certain that American public opinion, if it could be enlightened as to the effect of atomic explosives, would approve of our own country being the first to introduce such an indiscriminate method of wholesale destruction of civilian life. Typically, we want to ascribe moral responsibility to Jones because he decided to carry out an act that, let us say, we judge to be morally reprehensible. To illustrate: In twin world scenarios, all must be equal apart from the one thing that distinguishes each world from the other which, in this case, is the presence or absence of alternate possibilities. An Overview of Sigmund Freud's Theories - Verywell Mind No paper agreement can be sufficient since neither this or any other nation can stake its whole existence on trust in other nations' signatures. If no efficient international agreement is achieved, the race for nuclear armaments will be on in earnest not later than the morning after our first demonstration of the existence of nuclear weapons. Complete the sentence in a way that shows you understand the meaning of the italicized vocabulary word. One possible way to introduce nuclear weapons to the world -- which may particularly appeal to those who consider nuclear bombs primarily as a secret weapon developed to help with the present war -- is to use them without warning on appropriately selected objects in Japan. Why, according to Kane, does this example fail to show what Dennett thinks it shows? Where this is not the cases, as expressed within (3) then we must conclude that intervention has occurred in W1, thereby explaining the incongruence across worlds.