InThe Transformers: The Movie, Unicron was voiced byOrson Welles. But as the Chaos Bringer drifted through space, he eventually attracted space debris around himself that formed into planet Earth, rich with Dark Energon. All rights reserved. His lust for destruction finally sated, Unicron entered a deep sleep - but he had not been thorough enough. In Episode 16 ofBeast Machines, Rattrap called Megatron's floating head a tribute to Unicron. While Unicron did not appears in theTransformersfilm series, he still appeared in the comics. According to past Transformers mythology, Unicron was set adrift in space, ultimately attracting planetary debris to eventually become planet Earth. Unshackled, Unicron went on a cosmic rampage, destroying all he found, with the end goal of consuming reality itself. Shokaract himself traveled back in time to secure the Essence and destroy the Maximals, only to be engaged in battle by theCovenant of Primus. Unicron dispatched a group of heralds to attack Cybertron and pave the way for his coming, including a Galvatron plucked from an alternate future. 2023 Oscars predictions: See who will win at the 95th Academy Awards. Realizing the truth of Unicron's intentions, Shokaract then killed himself. Enraged, Galvatron prepared to destroy Unicron's Spark, but it merged with him, enlarging him again, leading to another battle with Optimus Supreme, this time bolstered by the combined energy of all his troops' Sparks. After performing a "test run" on the moon of Protos, where he successfully created twelve transforming robotic beings, Covenant he birthed from his own body a group of thirteen robots that possessed the ability to change shape, like Unicron. The first time we ever heard the Primus/Unicron backstory was in the UK comic continuity, from Unicron himself, in the story Legacy of Unicron, when he recounted it to Death's Head. And at times, he can betoobig. Transformers: Prime - The Game. With the destruction of the planet his body is reborn as a normal sized Transformer. When theGeneration 2animated series was aired, animated bits of the film with Unicron in it were edited into the episode "More Than Meets The Eye Part 1". Although the character did not appear inTransformers: Cybertronor its Japanese equivalentTransformers: Galaxy Force, the Hasbro Club comic served to introduce this new version of the Chaos-Bringer. Primus, fearing that to follow suit by forming himself in a similar manner would simply pick up the conflict where it had left off, sought an alternative way to defend the universe against the threat of Unicron by turning his asteroid intoCybertron; a planet that he populated with robotic beings that, like Unicron, could alter their forms. If The Last Knight brings Unicron into live-action, the vocal performance better be on point. The Matrix was originally placed inside the hilt of the Star Saber, which was wielded by Prima, the very first Transformer created by Primus. Along with Unicron, his twin brother Primus was created. To fight Unicron's unprecedented might, Primus created "the Thirteen," a group of transforming robots that predated the Transformers and served as protectors of the light. As Unicron's planet mode is seen to be as large as Cybertron (if not larger) in the comics, this would suggest a diameter of 120,000+ km. WebPrimus (Primax)/984.0 Gamma Contents 1 History History Before the dawn of time, Order and Chaos existed within an extra dimensional entity known as The One. Sure enough, BW sequel comic Primeval Dawn depicts a revived Tarantulas as a creation of Unicron. His body in this universe obliterated, Unicron moved on to another dimension, to ravage other worlds, and make further attempts on Cybertrons throughout the multiverse. This interpretation of the character is evidenced by the parallel universe spanningTransformers: Universetoyline and convention-exclusive comic books in which the singular Unicron captured Transformers from various alternate realities and pitted them against each other, feeding off the energies released and theTransformers: Cybertroncomic strip in the Transformers Collectors' Club fan magazine, which depicts Unicron's actions in the various realities in a chronological order and claims that Cybertron is the stable heart of the Multiverse. In "Revelations, Part 2", whenOptimus Primewas called to another dimension to fight Unicron's heralds, he reflected back on the final battle between Primus's forces and Unicron's army - where Unicron would have suddenly disappeared, his existence ended by the black hole created by his defeat inTransformers: Energon. Well, that all depends on how you look at it, how much you are willing to believe, and what universe you know best. Transformers is a bit bizarre w He used pieces of Unicron to remake his body, as well as reviveStarscream, his most loyal subject. It was the back story printed on Unicron's card which introduced the concept of the two being brothers created to explore the new universe by an extra dimensional entity, here named the "Allspark.". They were brothers sent to explore the universe together. Possessed byhis master during the series' climax, Sideways' corporeal form was destroyed by Optimus Prime wielding the Requiem Blaster. Welles famously said he hated doing the movie, and only did so for the money (as did Star Trek's Leonard Nimoy, who voiced Galvatron). They succeeded in summoning such an energy being, which did enter Cybertron to renew it and to everyone's horror, announced itself as Unicron, the Anti-Life! Knock Out and Airachnid were less than convinced, but kept that fact to themselves. Upon finding the Dark Energon, Megatron merged it with his spark and eventually the very core of Cybertron. WebThis is an amazing figure. It was with this telling that we learned that Unicron predated the current universe, and had destroyed the previous universe which existed before the current one. Unicron's body, damaged once more, lay in the dark reaches near the fissure, and the Decepticons began to raid Alpha-Q's new planets for the Energon necessary to revive Unicron again. WebThe Lord of the Light, Primus is the being who created the Transformers to help him defeat Unicron. Unicron planned to use Shokaract as a vessel through which to reemerge into the universe and destroy Cybertron. While Primus is a force for benevolence and good in the multiverse, Unicron's only function is to bring chaos and destruction, with the goal of being the only god in a lifeless universe. That version of Unicron is the one mainstream fans are most familiar with, voiced by acting icon, Orson Welles. Unicron is a prodigiously large robot whose scale reaches planetary proportions, and he is also able to transform into a mechanicalplanet. The subsequent awakening of the Mini-Cons once again increased the pace of the war, and to hasten the proceeding, Unicron created another being from his own body, Sideways, to serve as his agent for the purpose of constantly manipulating the events on Earth to keep the balance of power forever shifting, the ferocity of both sides constantly increasing. Primus possessed Xaaron's form and attempted to hold off Unicron, but he was weak, and his attack was a ruse, leading to his own destruction, which in turn (along with a direct attack by Galvatron) succeeded in galvanising the Autobots and Decepticons to attack Unicron together. However, from within Unicron's mind, Rad was able to use his connection to High Wire to restore the Mini-Cons' individual minds, freeing the weapons and deactivating Unicron. WebUnicron is a fictional character from the Transformers universe and toyline. After a brief fight, Unicron prevailed and learned of the existence of a burial ground of Predacon remains. InTransformers: The Movie, Unicron's height appears to be anywhere from several kilometers (as when handling Galvatron) to several hundred kilometers (as when attacking and destroying Lithone and Cybertron's moons, and attackingCybertron). Entertainment Weekly is a registered trademark of Meredith Corporation All Rights Reserved. Unicron is among the characters appearing in the 2004Transformersvideo game for thePlayStation 2. INTELLIGENCE - 5: Unicron is clever enough to keep Galvatron under control, but if he can eat entire planets full of robots, why not turn them into slaves too? The "sentient core" of this new universe recognized the threat that Unicron posed, and so created Primus to counter his evil and be guardian of the new creation. He would make his first mainstream appearance in volume 3, issue 1 of the main Generation One series, seemingly summoned by Shockwave at the end of the previous volume. Unicron and Primus began life as personalities within a single omnipotent being that conversed with itself. Writer Simon Furman incorporated the various aspects of the Dreamwave comics story, some elements of the Fleer storyline and his original Marvel Comics origin to create what is now essentially the "definitive" origin for Unicron. In combat, Primus was no match for Unicron. That twist comes to fruition in Transformers: The Last Knight, and its one Quintessa hopes to manipulate to her advantage (at least if the movies end-credits sequence is any indication). This task led him to Earth, where he used the planet's Dark Energon to empower himself. To stop this physical destruction, Primus shifted the battle to the astral plane, where he fared little better, forcing himself into what seemed to be a sacrifice play - in shifting the battle back to the physical universe without time to properly generate their energy forms, Primus entrapped both himself and Unicron in two barren asteroids. Before the two sides could annihilate each other, an agreement was reached favouring both parties. WebThe One existed before time itself, witness to the birth of the universe. Dissatisfied by his new body's performance in battle, he tracked down Predaking, whom Megatron claimed was a loyal warrior. However, Megatron's corpse and Spark remained within Unicron, and slowly siphoned off some of the gathered Energon, allowing him to be reborn in a new body through the unintentional actions ofScorponok. These Thirteen defeated Unicron and cast him into space. Notably, even in the original comics themselves, the Matrix - the life-force of Primus - is shown to still exist and is functioning fine in the G2 Marvel Comics series that follows his supposed death.). Likes: +15. He tosses theDead Matrixinto the black hole, releasing Unicron's spark which quickly overtakes a nearby world, converting its inhabitants into savage maniacs. Primus is the twin brother of Unicron, his eternal foe, whom he battled for eons This page was last modified on 6 January 2023, at 05:52. In the subsequent episode, series finale Nemesis, Megatron offhandedlyinsultedthe late Tarantulas as Unicrons spawn. Writer Bob Forward had not intended this line to be taken literally, but since the series offered no other explanation for Tarantulas beginnings, many fans did exactly that. The Fallen has become the most prominent of the Thirteen,jumping from the pages of comics to both animation (Robots In DisguiseandPrime Wars) andlive-action (Revenge of the Fallen), thoughthese later works tend to downplay if not omit his connection to Unicron. Although he was not shown to be destroyed, he was last seen entering convulsions, indicating he would no longer be a threat. A strange set of non-human creaturesopposed Unicron, threatening to attack him with a metal devouring organic spore. In the MarvelTransformers comics, while Unicron was on his way to consume Cybertron, he first destroyed planet Ghennix. As the four-part season one finale begins, an astrological alignment awakens Unicron from his slumber as Earth's weather patterns go out of control. One Shall Fall, As storms, earthquakes, and volcanoes erupted simultaneously across Earth, the Autobots began to suspect that Earth itself had Unicron as its core, explaining why Dark Energon was expelling from within. However, Unicron turned upon Primacron, deciding thathewould rule the universe and subsequently setting out to achieve that goal. Matrix of Leadership Oh, how convenient! As Optimus attempted to fight off waves of power from Unicron, Megatron was forcibly possessed by the ancient god and set against the Autobot leader. Come join our discussions, post your own battles and kick some ass! Unicron Welcome to the Quantum Realm. The One | Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki | Fandom He leads his new undead army to Cybertron's Well of All Sparks, and engages the Autobots, Decepticons, and Predacons in battle. Death's Head then aided Rodimus Prime, projecting his mind into Unicron's where they battle, until Unicron's head was destroyed by explosives, and his essence was sealed within the Matrix. Transformers: The Last Knight is out now. Autobots, Decepticons, and humans have all united in order to stop the threat of Unicron across the multiverse; if Unicron is the threat we're going to see in The Last Knight, both factions of Transformers may have to work together (along with old and new human protagonists) to save the universe. To battle him, The One gave Primus this power also, but Primus opted to remain in planet mode, and passed the transforming abilities on to thirteen robots that he created from himself; the first Transformers. The Japanese-exclusive animeBeast Wars Neoinitially focused on teams oftheMaximals and Predacons attempting to claim "Angolmois Energy." Eventually escaping Bumblebee, Unicron flies after Optimus and Unicron then opens the container, but upon finding it empty, he realizes too late that it is a trick, and his energy form is sucked into the container, freeing Megatron from his control and defeating Unicron once and for all, also destroying his legions of undead Predacons. The player must chase Unicron as he orbits around Cybertron and enter his maw as he prepares to fire, blasting him with the Matrix Cannon until eventually Unicron is destroyed. Unicron's origin has expanded over the years from simply being a large robot to being a god of chaos who devours realities. Per Unicron's telling of events, he was a primal force of evil at the dawn of the universe, who led a legion of Dark Gods against his mortal foe, Primus, Lord of the Light Gods. (Note: As originally written, it is quite clear that the story intends for Primus to have died after his battle with Unicron. Created by Floro Dery, he was introduced in the 1986 animated film The Transformers: The Movie[4] and has since reappeared in Transformers: Armada, Transformers: Energon, Transformers: Cybertron, Transformers: Prime, Transformers: The Last Knight and Atari's 2004 The One was curious about this new realm and created a new being, Unicron, to explore it. One ofOptimus Prime's visions of the future showed Mindbender and Unicron as a coming threat - a prophecy that came to pass in the fourth crossover "Black Horizon". Galvatron, however, was not content to serve under Unicron, and instead captured Autobot leader Emirate Xaaron, forcing him to fully awaken Primus, who possessed Xaaron's body and summoned Transformers from all across the universe back to Cybertron. Otherwise, he's gonna keep on eatin'. When Death's Head fought back against Unicron's mental control, however, Unicron rewarded his temerity by revealing the comic book version of his origin. It was with this act of sacrifice that Primus hoped to contain the evil force forever. Events proceeded to play out basically as described above, though the role of the Light and Dark Gods would diminish with each subsequent retelling of the story, until the current version, in which Primus and Unicron are alone, and have a unique origin. Unlike the destructive, chaos-loving Unicron, Primus is a lover of order and creation. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Unicron made a cameo appearance in the secondG.I. WebUnicron is a fictional character from the Transformers universe and toyline. Pam Grier reflects on her most iconic roles, from, Bay has called his final go-around with the characters. He is currently writing list articles for Comic Book Resources (CBR). At the culmination of his plan, the Decepticons came into possession of all three Mini-Con weapons - the Star Saber, the Skyboom Shield and the Requiem Blaster - which Sideways and Thrust then stole and used to reactivate Unicron. The vessel instead drew Unicron's anti-spark into itself, sealing the dark god inside and freeing Megatron from his will. Here it is revealed that he had dispatched Scourge at the head of a huge armada ofSweepsto search the galaxy for Cybertron. That all changed with the advent of the three co-produced seriesTransformers: Armada,Transformers: EnergonandTransformers: Cybertron, which reintroduced Unicron to American audiences and finally rendered him in toy form, with theMini-Conpartner Dead End. Alpha Q showed signs of rebelling against Unicron, and Prime prepared to fight back from inside Unicron. The biography printed on Unicron's card presented him to be one of two heralds created by theAllsparkto explore the newly birthed universe. If you make a purchase using the links included, we may earn commission. Scourgelocated it, but was shot in the back and deactivated by Shockwave, who used analysis of his body to create theTriple Changers. This is Primacron. Hes a vaguely simian humanoid alien that appeared in the third season of the 1980s Transformers cartoon. In this episode, it w The MCUs tiniest heroes are kicking off its biggest phase yet, setting up the next several years of storytelling. One of the thirteen turned on Primus and sided with Unicron, however, and the war culminated in a battle that saw Unicron and this traitor, the "Fallen", sucked through a black hole into another universe. Arms Micron Leo Prime bio Using his ancient sword and the power of his Energon Matrix, Lio Convoy carved up the remains of one of Unicron's rock-and-stone avatars to create the powerful Gaia Armor, severing its link to Unicron himself but allowing it to retain the power of Dark Energon. [citation needed]This Unicron was voiced byMark Achesonin the U.S., and byKatsumi Chin Japan. PURITY - 10: The only thing that can stop Unicron is the Autobot Matrix of Leadership. Naturally, the two were eventually revealed to be connectedUnicron created the Mini-Cons to exacerbate the Autobot/Decepticon conflict. The Decepticons may be the most frequent antagonists in theTransformers franchise, but there is often an even greater evil lurking in the shadows: The Chaos Bringer, Unicron. Bad news for Prime in the future? Unicron then brings Megatron back to life and upgrades his form, using it to hurtle through hyperspace toward Cybertron. Who created the first Transformer? - Science Fiction & Fantasy When the war on this planet between the forces of Maximal leaderLio ConvoyandPredaconleaderGalvatron(a different individual bearing the same name as Unicron's original creation) culminated in the explosion of Galvatron'sNemesisbattle fortress, the resultant energy surge revived Unicron's consciousness. A twisted reflection of Optimus Prime with the powers of shape-shifting and regeneration, Nemesis Prime was a powerful opponent, wounding Autobot and Decepticon alike. This substance was a violently addictive poison that could pass on to another bot once its user died, and was dubbed the Sparks of Unicron or Dark Energon. They held off Unicron long enough to escape back to their universe. In the comic "Hoist the Flag", set centuries later, Unicron's head proves to be the objective sought by the Star Seeker pirates under Cannonball, whose crew includes a version of Shokaract known as the Hunter. For the 20th anniversary of the original movie, Diamond Select released an eight and a half inch tall statue of Unicron and Rodimus Prime. Eventually Primus took a stand against Unicron but the two brothers found themselves evenly matched in a perfect stalemate. It was later mentioned his body was floating around Earth. However,Stockadeand a group of Decepticons remained, staying alive by usingNucleon. Who Created the Transformers? - Created by Floro Dery, he was introduced in the 1986 animated film The Transformers: The Movie[4] and appeared in Atari's 2003 Transformers video game. We were blown away! In 2010, however, Unicron attempted this again and succeeded, controlling Rodimus's body and reshaping it into his own image, before being defeated by Rodimus's own force of will. And so Unicron went on to become the engine of destruction that menaced the universe in recent years. Unicron/Aligned - Transformers Wiki While they attacked Earth, a rich source of Energon, Unicron sent his four Horsemen -Rhinox,Airazor,TerrorsaurandCheetor, absorbed by Unicron in the previous battle - against Cybertron, devastating much of it before being stopped by Optimus Prime. At his full power however, Unicron's mere aura overpowered the Thirteen causing them to nearly lose all hope before they rallied. A short time later, Megatron and the Autobots used the GroundBridge to reach the core of Earth itself, where Unicron's eye peered around. Much to everyone's shock, a volcano near the site of Optimus and Megatron's battle exploded and released a load of Dark Energon from the Earth's core. Unicron The exact backstory of Unicron in multiple versions of Transformers mythology has often shifted is he a cosmic force representing evil itself, created at the arrive in the same universe as the primacon Unicron). Among the jettisoned is Megatron, who meets both his salvation and doom when he comes face-to-face with Unicron. entity known as The One. In combat, Primus was no match for Unicron.