La polica y la Guardia Nacional estn tratando de parar las protestas y saqueos. T has visto la primera ola del corona virus siguiendo las protestas y saqueos por Vidas Negras Importan y el movimiento Antifa. He told his flock of leaders of the faithful to be watchful of the savage wolves of the worldly evil people. Tu ngel del refugio los proteger de cualquier tipo de virus, bombas, y otras amenazas sobre Mi gente. When the lives of My faithful are in danger, I will call you to My refuges as your guardian angels will lead you to the nearest refuge. When your lives are in danger, I will call you to the safety of My refuges. Cada vez que ores en fe, tu comida no se terminara tampoco. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. By having a good prayer life, you can stay close to Me, and be ready to meet Me at your judgment., Jesus said: My people, you need to pray to counteract the Luciferian March for a One World Government that will occur in nine cities on June 21. This next virus attack will be much deadlier than the first virus, because the evil ones will be spreading thick chemtrails containing the new virus. Recuerden que ya cuando vengan a Mis refugios, tu estars hay durante la tribulacin del Anticristo. John Leary --> Latest News Site Updates Videos / Books Fr. police interview transcripts. Yo multiplicare la comida, agua, y combustible, pero deben tener completa confianza y fe en Mi que Yo puedo hacer esto por ti. Jeremiah is serving God by trying to warn Gods Children that they must stop what they are doing because the idolatry and pagan worship has turned many towns into complete evil. Here are the latest messages on After the Warning website, the first to Giselle Cardia. This virus will come in the fall and there will be so much death and confusion, that your election will be canceled. My prophet foretold of My protection, and one of My angels went among the Assyrian soldiers and the angel slew 185,000 men in one quick attack. Here is the latest from Life Site News on the internal battle our Country is having with the Sheep being separated from the goats that are as savage as wolves on abortion. Home Page : John Leary around every place that commits abortion or euthanasia. Mi hijo, tu has usado este pasaje (4 Reyes: 19-35) muchas veces para darle a conocer a la gente sobre el poder de solo un ngel Mio. It is also a problem when your false news does not give you the true numbers of deaths from the corona virus. He did not say, maybe or possibly, he said, There will be a Second Pandemic. Tu recin recibiste el Espritu Santo en Pentecosts, pues tienes Mis regalos que te inspiran en como cumplir con tu misin. Give praise and thanks to Me that you can receive Me again in Holy Communion., Jesus said: My people, I am showing you My Sacred Heart because I love all of you so much that I died on the cross to save all of mankind. Prophet John Leary | Mary Refuge Of Souls The Holy Spirit has guided us to see that this very same thing is happening today, with Gods Children turning to pagan worship because of the nations turning to idolatry and not keeping their Covenant with Him, and some of the Shepherds, who are supposed to be asking Our Lord for guidance, are not and instead falling to the ways of the world, thus scattering the flock. John's father, had been involved in the mid-50s in anti-gravity technology programs, completely secret technology today. Latest News Reports from Mary Greeley News and the CanadianPrepper. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader, click here to download a free version. However, according to the Labor Depart- $900, from about $600 or many economists say, the U.S. ment, resulting in a slowdown 2020 '21 '22 2020 '21 '22 $700. For the sake of His Sorrowful Passion, have Mercy on us and the whole world. Tu tienes muchas parejas hoy da que viven juntas cometiendo el pecado de fornicacin. Those souls, who choose to come to Me, will see a need to come to My refuges and deny taking the mark of the beast. Latest Live Commentary and Interview from Mother and Refuge of the End Times with Ted Flynn on the Great Reset. Before My call, you can prepare a backpack or roller board with clothes, hygiene things, religious things, and a tent and a sleeping blanket. Please guide us to all Truth to at least correct the errors of our own ways so that we may be rightly ordered back to You as Our Heavenly Father. Latest Videos from Mother and Refuge of the End Times, Quo Vadis, and the Two Preachers. You are witnessing the evil of the people who spread this virus to reduce your population, and keep you from coming to My sacraments. Ora por convertir a la mayor cantidad de almas que tu puedas, porque tu haz visto la plaga que se avecina en esas personas que me rechazaran a Mi.. June, 2020 Messages : John Leary A message Mr Johnson sent to Mr Hancock on June 6, 2020, said he was 'thinking hard about the 15th June'. 3Tell them that this is what theLord, the God of Israel, says: Cursedis the one who does not obey the terms of this covenant4the terms I commanded your ancestors when I brought them out of Egypt,out of the iron-smelting furnace. I said, Obeyme and do everything I command you, and you will be my people,and I will be your God. So, until His wrath is complete, we will all reap what our countries have sown both Spiritually and Physically as a Purification as this evil continues to spread. You will be healed of any virus or health problems at My refuges. Jess dice: Mi gente de Amrica, tu ests viendo un castigo sobre Amrica por todos los abortos que han sido una gran parte esencial de negocios. Larvin and. It is claimed that Larvin, who once dated boxer Joe Calzaghe, and her partner Jonathan Johnson (55) carried 2.8m in September 2020, using holiday items to disguise the cash. I wish that you could have opened your churches sooner, but soon you will be with Me in My Blessed Sacrament. So, we can see at this point, the evil has gotten so bad in one town, that they are now threatening to kill Jeremiah because evil begets evil. Once you pass through this door of your new life, you will have no more physical pain, and you will only have your spirit body. So fear not about the evil ones, because My angel of the refuge will protect you as the angel slew the enemies of Israel. When guns are used, I will need to call My faithful to My refuges., Jesus said: My people, your President put all of the recent events in perspective when he called out the looters and arsonists that are ruining your cities. Even during this first virus attack, your people still considered abortion as an essential service. The print version of the messages are in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format. Strive to save as many souls as you can before this tribulation time.. Friday, June 10, 2022 June 19, 2022 In the Gospel I told the people not to have any fear, but to trust in My protection. Jesus said: "My people, the Israelites and the Samarians built altars and shrines to their gods, but their hearts were cold to Me. This alignment happens to take place on the Feast Day of the Sacred Heart in which we all must be consecrated to along with Our Blessed Mothers Immaculate Heart. New Messages on After The Warning Website! Jesus said: "My people, the freezing rain makes ice all over everything. Tu invocas al Espritu Santo para que te ayude a escribir Mis palabras en lugar silencioso. john leary messages july 2020 john leary messages july 2020 The print version of the messages are in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format. Once you hear My call in My inner locution, you can come to a refuge. Valentine) Jesus said: "My son, you were curious why I brought the Flood upon the earth to kill everyone but Noah and his family, who were faithful to Me. john leary messages 2021. Reflecting on Gods Holy Word on 1 Corinthians 15;51-52 and Revelations 20:1-6. But. 7From the time I brought your ancestors up from Egypt until today, I warned them again and again,saying, Obey me.8But they did not listen or pay attention;instead, they followed the stubbornness of their evil hearts. The Way To Follow Army of Saint Michael Archangel // Descargar PDF: en espaol (Mensajes de Lorena, 2015-2021) El camino a seguir Ejrcito de San Miguel Arcngel, to Latin-American Mystic Lorena Holy Communion in the Hand , has Vision during Holy Mass of Jesus Christ and in Tears Cries, No more, for Ancestral Curses and Evil Generational Spirits, Including Resources for, (Refuge Stickers) Compiled by a soul MaryRefugeOfSouls. You have been opening in phases, so now you have freedom to worship Me again in person. Sigue orando por las almas del purgatorio para cuando ellos suban al cielo, ellos oren por ti de regreso. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. You are all happy to see Me in Holy Communion, and your friends. If you do not have a stream or lake, you could look into drilling a water well. Here are the latest messages from Prophet John Leary. Let us Pray God Our Heavenly Father, we know our Country has angered You and turned against You and Your Commandments, Laws, and Ways. Terms & Conditions! March 2, 2023. Zadzwo! Do not waste your precious time while you have life., Jesus said: My son, I am showing you a time line that leads into the tribulation. They should not be bailed out by the rich liberals who are paying the anarchists to cause trouble. El partido opuesto est detrs del ataque del virus, los toque de queda y los motines. Live and Love for JESUS Surrender, Relationship, Transformation, and Discipleship, Matthew 11:28-30, Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 23Not even a remnantwill be left to them, because I will bring disaster on the people of Anathoth in the year of their punishment.. Comparing Lorena from Mexicos Messages to St. Augustines Teaching on the Transformations We will Go Through Before the Era of Peace and Who are the First Fruits? Pray for the sick and those with chronic problems. Esto representa la confianza diaria en Dios para proveer por sus necesidades. All of heaven is rejoicing with you as you will celebrate Sunday Mass together. Informacin detallada del sitio web y la empresa: Welcome to El Clan - El Clan de los Colgados %El Clan de los Colgados En San Juan el Evangelista despus de la Misa y Santa Comunin, Yo puedo ver una cueva oscura, y Yo sal hacia la luz en la libertad de Dios. Also, he warned them even Thursday, May 28, 2020: Tu tuviste algunos problemas, pero todos los proyectos estn terminados y estas listo para recibir a la gente. australian female singers; 300 blackout subsonic suppressed decibels; best mastercraft boat; joshua goldberg 1967; Praise God in the Highest! More message archives to come as time permits. This next one is to Luz De Maria from Saint Michael the Archangel. Click on any month below for a copy of the messages posted for that month or click here to view the most recent messages posted to the site. Reflection on Psalm 146 in Gods Holy Word! Cuando la violencia y disparos hacia la polica empiece tu podras ver el comienzo de una guerra civil entre los protestantes violentos liberales y los patriarcas. El desempleo esta a un 14%. Tu gente necesita despertarse, porque estos malvados anarquistas estn tratando de tumbar el gobierno. Even before I will call people to the refuges, My angels are already protecting the refuges. Pray for the souls in purgatory. I long to save all souls, but I do not force My love on anyone. July 21, 2021 In the picture of My Sacred Heart you see an eternal flame of love with a crown of thorns. I told you before that the graces of your Masses go out to all your neighborhoods so you could have My peace. Rejoice because My angels will put an invisible shield over you as you come to a refuge. Oren por la conversin del las almas mientras puedan, y guarden alguna comida mientras puedan tambin., Junio 5, 2020 (El Grupo de George Soros, Vidas Negras Importan) Este prximo ataque del virus va a hacer mucho mas mortal que el primero, porque los malvados estarn regando qumicos fuertes que contienen el nuevo virus. Yes, you can watch Mass on your TVs and your computers, but My Eucharistic services at Mass are meant to bring the faithful together Saturday, May 30, 2020: Be prepared for this coming persecution and you could even see some faithful martyred. Regocjense en Mi amor y Mis sacramentos. john leary latest messages june 2020 - Appendix 99: Descent Into Hell: CIA MKULTRA's Torture Doctors, Scientists, Spies, & Politicians: Hall of Shame Rogues Gallery. around every continent, every country, every land mass, every water mass in the world. Eviten la prostitucin y ver pornografa en revistas y pelculas. Instead, I will destroy them with the sword,famineand plague.. Look at the crowds of protesters in your cities. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. This is why after the Warning, you need to convert your family and friends to Me, or they could be lost in hell. Holy Mass Celebrating the Memorial of the Immaculate Heart at St. Maria Gorettis Parish and Prayer of the HolyRosary. Latest Messages on After the Warning Website with an Update from Father Jim Blount on what Our Blessed Mother Revealed on the Blackout! (LogOut/ Yo me puedo ver dentro de un bote que representa el arca del refugio. All of the prophets in this blog are stating in their messages to be consecrated to both hearts and some are saying also to be consecrated to Saint Joseph and the Holy Family. My angels will put a shield over those people in My refuges so they will not be infected. Confen en Mi proteccin cuando sus vidas estn en peligro. Wednesday, May 27, 2020: 10This is what theLordsays about this people: They greatly love to wander;they do not restrain their feet.So theLorddoes not acceptthem;he will now remembertheir wickednessand punish them for their sins., 11Then theLordsaid to me, Do not prayfor the well-being of this people. Tu primero usaste tu herencia para construir la adicin de la capilla, la cocina y el stano. Tuesday, June 2, 2020 Jesus said: "My people, it is appalling that your bishops and governors are still keeping My faithful from even coming to daily Mass. You have limited numbers at some churches, but you are happy to be home in church for Sunday Mass. En el Evangelio Yo advert a Mi gente a que entraran por el portn angosto y que no siguieran el camino acho que los lleva hacia el infierno. Yo estar con ustedes para protegerlos, confen en Mi siempre para la multiplicacin de comida, agua, y combustible. Abba, Father, Thy Will Be Done. My love for you is everlasting and in heaven you will be adoring Me for all eternity., Jesus said: My people, I want to prepare you for My coming Warning by coming to Confession to cleanse your souls. When this next virus comes in the fall, you will first face your Warning experience, and then My faithful will be called to My refuges, so they will not die of the virus. Even when you are restricted by this virus shutdown, you can still put Sunday, May 31, 2020: (Pentecost Sunday) Have no fear because My angels will defend you and multiply your needs.. In the Gospel I warned My people to enter heaven through the narrow gate, and do not follow the broad road into hell. Once you have provided what you can afford, and what space you can use, do not be concerned about having more food, because in faith I can multiply your food and water. Este segundo virus puede destruir tu economa. Esto puso a los Asirios en confusin y fueron forzados a regresar a sus casas. Tuesday, February 14, 2023: (St. Cyril, St. Methodius,St. Zadzwo! Please attend Holy Mass both days and consecrate yourselves to both the Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart. stockton, california latest obituaries. Lets reflect on Jeremiah, Chapters 10 and 11.;NIV. Los izquierdistas estn usando esta crisis, especialmente los estados controlados por los Demcratas y ciudades, por razones polticas contra el Presidente. If you have not chosen to come back to God because you dont believe you have sinned against Him, think again! Es un problema cuando las falsas noticias no reportan los verdaderos nmeros de muertes relacionados con el coronavirus. The John and Gisele Fetterman Romance: A Ken Burns Documentary. You have been protected for a while in distributing your messages on the internet and in your books and DVDs. We see in verses 14 through 25 in Chapter 10 above that Jeremiah is pleading for the house of Jacob, which are the 12 Tribes of Israel, and praying to God for His wrath to come down on all of the idolatry (pagan) worshippers that do not know God because they are the ones that have brought the evil pagan worship to Jacobs descendants. The John and Gisele Fetterman Romance: A Ken Burns Documentary No pierdan tiempo precioso mientras tengas vida., Junio 20, 2020 (Reuniones de Trump, saqueos. Today, we are going to reflect on Jeremiah, Chapters 10 and 11. You can see why I allowed your President to win because he talks against abortion and infanticide. Other Tuesday, June 2, 2020: If you personally do not know Gods Commandments and what He expects of us as His Children, read Gods Holy Word NOW, and dont wait another day, because God has been warning us for many years now, and time is running out before His wrath will come. Here is Mother and Refuge of the End Times. Junio 1, 2020 (Partidos de Oposicin planifican el tomo completo de EU) Then in Chapters 13 and 14, because God has pulled back His Divine Hand of Providence, families begin to turn on each other, there is a drought and in particular in Jeremiah 14:10-12, God tells Jeremiah, do not try and pray for His wrath to stop because He has to intercede for the guilt of their sins. En la capilla del Padre Eterno estamos orando al frente del DVD de adoracin. End Time Prophets, Bloggers and Watchmen. It is simply a compilation website of heavenly messages believed in by the webmaster (a soul) and all opinions and views expressed in various commentaries and webpages are solely those of a soul. You are invited to visit the official website for HLM at For light at night you may need lamp oil with the lanterns and wicks. T necesitas confesar estos pecados en la Confesin antes de recibirme a Mi en la Santa Comunin., Junio 13, 2020 (Castigos por los abortos, Guerra Nuclear) Do not be surprised to see more violent protests and shootings. Yo puedo ver como el Seor llamara a sus fieles a los refugios porque los malvados desencadenaran una segunda ola del virus. Los malvados tienen muy poco tiempo, ellos usaran cualquier medio que puedan usar para el tomo del tu gobierno. Abortion is an egregious sin against God because we are killing not only His Children, but innocent, and defenseless children that belong to God Our Father in Heaven. Here is the latest podcast show of Battle Ready by Father Dan Reehil on Corpus Christi and the sign of our times from June 21, 2022. You will see a short reign of the Antichrsit before I will bring My victory. I told you to stock up on canned goods, and that the deep state will spread this new virus Thursday, June 4, 2020: 16TheLordcalled you a thriving olive treewith fruit beautiful in form.But with the roar of a mighty stormhe will set it on fire,and its branches will be broken. You are seeing constant violent protests, and now even Satans followers want to bring in the New World Order. Can consecrated meatavert your punishment?When you engage in your wickedness,then you rejoice.[a]. Tu estas presenciando la maldad en las personas que han regado este virus para reducir la populacin, y evitarlos que vayan a Mis sacramentos. La mayor cantidad de almas van al infierno por el pecado de la carne. You will see attempts by these radicals to take over local governments, but the fighting could get out of hand. Sub-hed: When the Washington Blade caught up with Gisele Barreto Fetterman this month, she was looking forward to some upcoming travel plans Yeah I'll bet she was!!! You need some food to store and a water source. You will have a lull in the summer, but be ready when a second wave of the virus will return in the fall. We offer up all of our suffering, work, joy, and pain and unite them to Our Lord, Jesus Christs Cross for the Salvation of Souls. Yo puedo ver como el Presidente inspiraba al pueblo americano en unos de sus reuniones. Tu tuviste 4 practicas del refugio con personas que se quedaron a dormir en tu casa, hasta usaste el combustible para calentar tu casa con queroseno y madera. Mas que nada tu tienes un altar y un tabernculo donde tu puedes adorarme a Mi en la sagrada hostia. Many Prophets are being criticized because of their speaking out in warnings from God, but as evil continues to spread, evil men seek to shut the prophets up by persecution or death. Posts in this Blog on Prayer Groups and the Importance of Prayer! Then in verses 21 through 22, Jeremiah is warning the people that Gods wrath is coming and that the Shepherds are senseless because they do not inquire upon our Lord, and they have scattered the flock. Amen. So have no fear of the evil ones because My angels will always be watching over you., Jesus said: My people, in the Gospel I taught My apostles how to pray the Our Father. 24 Jun . john leary latest messages 2021 - Most of your needs will be provided at your refuge. En San Carlos Borromeo despus de la Santa Comunin, Yo puedo ver la Estatua de la Libertad como un signo de las libertades de ir a Misa diaria en las iglesias locales. You can either have a priest consecrate your land, or you can make a cross on the ground with exorcism Blessed salt. God doesnt change nor does He break His Covenant with His Children, WE DO! Here is one to Valerie Copponi. Print Messages : John Leary around our children, our relatives, our friends. There is freedom of speech, but looting and burning peoples properties is a crime, and these anarchists need to be in jail. Mis fieles sern llevados a Mi Era de Paz como su recompensa por ser fieles a Mi., Junio 17, 2020 (Listo para la muerte preparados con frecuentes Confesin, oracin) Reflection on Gods Holy Word in Ben Sira, Chapter 2 on Trust in God. Also, in the news in case you missed it yesterday, President Biden let the cat out of the bag and informed everyone in the news conference that there will be another Pandemic in the future. After My Warning and Conversion time, I will be calling My faithful to My refuges so you are protected from the Antichrist and the demons. Now this weekend you will see a phased in opening that you had to even register to show you were coming. The Democrat officials in their states are allowing these anarchists to take over their cities. February 22, 2023 Ash Wednesday. We see this same evil flowing into our cities today with Baal arches being erected in different cities in the United States and also in Washington, D.C. Jesus said: My people, I have told you before that now is the time to take back your freedoms in worshiping Me. It is hard to imagine why some mothers want to kill their babies in the womb by abortion.